Explore the dynamic world of backend development and cloud architecture with insights from a seasoned professional
Based on learning from implementing the core of SD JWT standard
What I learned from working at Silicon Valley
Based on experience operating a global high-availability authentication server
Optimizing Global Server Infrastructure for Enhanced Status Page Performance
Best Practices for Refined Code Development with AI
Exploring the Evolution from JWT to SD-JWT for Secure and Private Information Sharing
From C/C++ to Zig/Rust
A Deep Dive into the Fight Against State-Affiliated Cyber Threats and the Path Forward for Ethical AI
Enhancing SaaS Responsiveness and Reliability through Strategic Caching
Elevate Your API Security with Akto
Ensuring Optimal Service Health Across Diverse Regions
Revamping Your Command Line Experience with Modern Tools.
Based on the matters that must be considered and response to failure
Based on experience tuning servers operating around the world
neoss: A Modern Way to Socket Statistics